Monday, January 27, 2014

Catepillar safety videos

Most of them were pretty bland and seemed like common sense. There were a few that stuck out though and were interesting.

The first video that caught my attention was on tires. I've heard about tire blowouts but I've never heard of tire explosions that can turn it into a flying projectile. Also the benefits of using dry nitrogen to inflate your tires caught my eye especially protecting against corrosion.

The second video I found interesting was the one on blocking and cribbing. I've only every used jacks and jack stands so it was interesting to see it done another way.

The third video I found useful was the one on operating at a slope. It makes sense to avoid going across a slope and instead only going up and down. Also I thought it was useful how you're told to have the heaviest part of the machine facing uphill and attachments as low to the ground as possible.

The last video I found particularly interesting was the load and transport video. You don't really get to see a lot of these machines transported that often. It seems that you have to be very precise and meticulous about how you tie down these work tools. I've just always wondered how they keep these machines secure every time I pass by one on the highway.
Wrench cutout.

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